Sunday, September 10, 2006

God is good

last night started as a hard, but God is good and the day keeps going. So i started out today by going to a church, the name is Risen King Commnuity Church. It was really good actually and i was supprised at how laid back the worrship was and it felt really good. the pastor was a little to not focused at times, but i still really got something out of the service.

And what is really good is that they have a church within a church like my one back at home is starting. and i guess that it seems to be doing really good so that gives me hope for my church back home for sure.

but i was reading in my book today by shane claiborne and the last thing that i read really for some reason felt really good. i have never really been around a lot of ethnic groups but i have been around the poor and homeless and i think sometimes we (as ppl in the world) look down on them all the time, and i know its bad and all but still we do it, but shane says this, "We are made of the same dust. We cry the same tears. No one is beyond redemption. And we are free to imagine a revolution that sets both the oppressed and the oppressors free".

and that just really hit home that we are all made from the same dust, like i never really looked at it that way before, that we all came from the same place i guess ya i always really knew that and all but for some reason it hit home. and i keep saying that i want to go and do these things like go out and help more, but i keep on putting up barriors for myself like reasons that i can justify why im not doing it. i guess that i just need a LOT more work done, i dont think ill ever stop growing.

so ya it was a good day in all, its funny how God really talks to people, cause for some resaon i always feel like i cant hear what He is saying, but i think i just dont know if its just cause im scared to hear what he is going to tell me. i guess thats like a little prayer for myself.

man that was a lot of writing im going to go read some more of my book peace out

1 comment:

billy said...


I really appreciated your reflection in this post. I often wonder if one the reasons why we turn away from people who seem grotesque or offensive to us is because deep down they remind us of how utterly dependent we all are upon God, and how unable we are to meet our needs without God's love and grace. Spending time with folks who are at the "bottom (at least by the standards of "society"), inevitably has a way of placing a mirror in front of us that reflects back to us things about ourselves that we do not want to see or admit; it demonstrates that we are indeed made of the same dust and that no one is INHERENTLY any better, more good, or more loved in the sight of God. These kinds of experiences have the potential to shatter the myths that we hide behind and return us to a real sense of our own shared humanity. At any rate, a couple of thoughts and a tahnksgiving for your journey. Keep going.......